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Born in Birmingham, England.

Lives and works in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.


Signs of Sophia's love for all things creative began at an early age and blossomed while in high school. She is an autodidact artist.


Born of a rich artistic legacy, she is the granddaughter of world renowned sculptor, Alvin T. Marriott.


Hyper-realistic eye drawings and soulful portraits are her passion. She endeavours to create meaningful work that draws onlookers in and believes that living a creative life and having a healthy outlet is key to keeping the mind vibrant and young. Her wish is to inspire others to soul search, play full out, and to enjoy the incredible journey of life gifted to us. She is delighted to share her work with you.


Exhibitions, Events & Festivals


15th Annual UWI Toronto Benefit Awards

April 20, 2024


The Back Alley Gallery

September 8 -  September 29, 2023


Art in the Workplace

(McMaster Innovation Park)

June 29 - October 26, 2022


Paul Elia Studio Gallery

February 25 - March 6, 2022

"In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine."

     ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


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